The Great Fall Limpieza

Most of us abide by the yearly spring-cleaning ritual. But a growing number of Latinas con la falda bien puesta realize that spreading household chores over the year lightens the load. Here are five timely reminders when giving your home a deep scrub this season.                

Clear the Clutter
Before you do anything else, open up more of the surface area that you will need to clean. That means disposing of unwanted items, such as clothing you haven’t used in more than a year, unnecessary cooking utensils, piled-up magazines and papers, withered plants, and any other items that you are ready to let go. If you find expired vitamins, canned goods, or cough medicine, well, you know where those go.

Vacuum Everything

Use your vacuum on every household item that collects dust, and insert it into every nook and cranny that you find. Remember to vacuum such things as moldings, window curtains (in front and behind) and windowsills, upholstered furniture, sofa cushions, and both sides of your mattress. Give a wipe-down to closets, as well as kitchen and bathroom cabinets.                     

Deep-clean Your Carpet
According to the Environmental Protection Agency, a carpet acts as a “sink” for indoor pollutants, such as pesticides, dust mites and fungi. But since a regular vacuum will not pick up the mites and mold that are hiding deep in the carpet, many experts recommend steam-cleaning at least every six months. If you want to hire a company to steam-clean your carpet, remember that carpets dry faster in warmer weather. So schedule your appointment early in the month.

Disinfect Linen
Because dust mites thrive in used bedding and may trigger allergies, wash pillows, comforters, duvet covers and mattress pads to get you through the winter. Remember to wash bed sheets on a weekly basis in a hot rinse and a dry cycle. And in order to prevent overusing one side of your mattress, turn it over bottom-to-top and head-to-foot.

De-grime Your Home Appliances
Remember to clean the filters and bins inside washing and drying machines. Another popular spot where dust gathers and grime accumulates is behind refrigerators and dishwashing machines.

Photo: Corbis Images

Embrace Latin Color

Spring is bursting on the scene in styles that look like they were taken from the most fashionable Latina’s closet. We spoke to Davis Carrasquillo, the New York City-based creative director and fashion editor of 1fashionproductions  to get our top picks of the bold, the ultra-feminine and the sexy staples that came from the runway.

Citrus colors are the powerhouse trend, a favorite of ours because it makes bronzed skin look even more beautiful. The purest way to wear this trend is with a dress, like Selena Gomez does. For a budget-conscious option, try a blouse or simple tank in a saturated hue to put a pop of color in your look.

Bracelets are accessory must-haves for lots of Latinas, and as Eva Longoria shows, bangles are back in a big way. “Use lots of different tones and textures -- they don’t have to match,” advises Carrasquillo.

No need to go over-the-top with frosty eyeshadow and frizzy hair. But if you are in the mood to really embrace a spring trend, then get yourself into some ’70s-inspired clothes, like one-sleeved tops and dresses. Jennifer Lopez gives us a great update with this beautiful dress that also brings in an additional seasonal trend: animal prints.


Ruffles are back on the scene, not just because of the flirty, youthful flare, but because now they are being styled in a grown, sexy way. You can go all-out like America Ferrara with her cape sleeves, or select a key piece, such as a skirt, to experiment with this look. Soft ruffles are more forgiving and flattering.


Break out the heels and platform sandals if you are brave enough to try the shorts trend. The styles can range from super-short and casual, a lá Cameron Diaz, or longer and tailored for a work-appropriate look.


These were also reigning the runway, but in softer chiffon fabrics that are easier to wear. Chiffon dresses are one option, says Carrasquillo, but even using a scarf can update your look.

Nine Ways to Move up the Ladder at Work

Asking for a promotion can be difficult in a recovering economy. But if you’re skilled at what you do, consider persuading the powers-that-be that you’re ready for your next challenge with these nine work secrets.

1. Speak directly with your boss about your career ambitions. “Working late and putting in the extra efforts in hopes of being rewarded rarely yields desired results,” says Natalie Gahrmann, a professional coach and author. “It’s a passive approach.”

2. Ask for specific things you need to do to earn an opportunity.

3. Find a mentor or peer to help you become visible. “An advocate in a higher rank can pull you in the direction you want,” says Gahrmann.

4. Be a leader. Help your co-workers with work that’s relevant to the position you want. “It’s an opportunity to practice the skills, abilities and potential you want to develop,” says Gahrmann

5. Toot your own horn. “Creating a strong personal brand helps others notice your accomplishments and contributions.”

6. Ask for feedback and accept constructive criticism.

7. Be a team player. “It’s a great way to earn people’s trust.” Never sabotage or disparage others.

8. Dress and act as if you already have the position you want, even if you have to splurge on a few executive-quality tacones. It’s worth it!

9. “Don’t be irreplaceable,” says Gahrmann. Instead, have a succession plan in place. Keep a list of associates who can replace you, and make a training plan for a quick and smooth transition.

Can We Really Have It All?

From Mami’s unreturned phone calls to the pileup of work emails, there’s always someone demanding your best attention now and your finest response yesterday. But what’s the first thing to get shoved to the side? Ever-important “me” time.

“I always tell people to picture their life like a pie,” says Lauri Burns, founder of The Teen Project, a nonprofit that helps homeless and foster teens create balanced, healthy lives. That pie should include everything: romance, la espiritualidad, family, work, leisure and hermana time. “The goal is to nourish the multiple parts of your life consistently in order to feel joyous and confident.”

According to Natalie Gahrmann, a women’s leadership coach, we have to prioritize what we value most, and then make choices to support those decisions. Here’s how to bring balance and confidence to your daily life:

1. Identify Priorities “Determine what’s most important to you and align yourself with those areas of your life,” says Gahrmann. Look for the things that give you a feeling of wholeness and satisfaction, such as maintaining your Latina identity or searching for your true calling.
2. Get Organized “A balanced life involves planning and prioritizing my daily tasks,” says Cynthia Warden, a self-employed publicist. Each night, write down your activities and priorities for the next day. Make sure to plan for personal time-outs.
3. Build a Support Network Our first reaction is often to figure things out on our own. But, says Gahrmann, we can keep stress in check by asking an amiga, a colleague or even a tía for help with projects.

Dress for Your Body Type

Your co-worker always looks fabulosa in her cocktail dress, no matter what she weighs. It’s not that she has a perfect shape; she simply knows how to dress for her body type. Figure out your type here, and find a dress style that will make you feel glamorous and beautiful on your big night out.

Hourglass Shape: Considered to be the most ideal body type, the hourglass shape boasts breast and hip measurements that are almost identical.

Dress: Although the hourglass’ best feature is her waist, don’t overemphasize it with a skin-tight slinky number, advises Barbosa. Instead, choose a flowy look and complete it with a belt to show off your small waist.

Pear or Spoon Shape: The pear shape is one of the most common body types -- especially for Latinas -- and features a more bountiful booty. 

Dress: Choose a flattering empire cut that balances your bounty by featuring your upper half.

Apple Shape: Slightly bigger around the tummy, you’re lucky because you have skinny arms and legs, making it easy to camouflage your trouble spots.

Dress: It’s all about the structured look for you. A shift’s vertical lines will create a longer, leaner look.

Tube (Ruler) Shape: Often called “the boy shape,” the tube has minimal curves and is straight up and down.

Dress: Try a wrap or another style that is cinched or gathered at the waist to help create an hourglass figure.

Regardless of body type, you should ultimately shop for clothing that makes you feel beautiful. And remember to embrace your curves. After all, accepting (and loving!) your body is the first step in selecting clothes that will consistently fit and flatter.
