Summer Outfits for the Office
Summer is the time to lighten, freshen and brighten up your work wardrobe. Depending on how strict your office dress code is, and how cool the temperature is, it can be difficult to dress comfortably and appropriately at work. Here are tips for summer work-wear:
Lighter fabrics: Regardless of your dress code, stock up on pieces made of lightweight, breathable fabrics like linen, cotton and silk to keep you cool all day long.
Dresses, dresses, dresses: Dresses are the ultimate flattering, professional look. Whether you’re in a shift or a shirtdress, it’s the perfect warm-weather look to dress up or dress down depending on the office environment.
Pack accessories: Wear lighter clothes to commute or travel in, and pack any accessories you may need to dress up your look. Bring a scarf or a blazer with you or keep a sweater at your desk if you’re battling frigid air conditioning. Statement jewelry is another way to dress up a lightweight summer look.
Sleeveless jackets: Inspired by classic menswear, sleeveless jackets are a breezy way to dress up a look for the office. Throw a sleeveless blazer over a flouncy dress to create a more sophisticated, feminine look.
Wear dress sandals: Did you know that keeping your pies cool can also help keep your whole body temperature down? Avoid shoes that may make your feet sweat and invest in comfortable dress sandals for the summer months.